Saturday, July 26, 2008

Date with Petey in NYC

Last night I had my very first date with none other but the sweetest, scruffiest Petey! He is doing a "Bow-Chelor Doggie Style" thing with tons of lucky females and I was the first!! I was flown in to NYC on Aire-Ruby (man that thing is classy!) and he met me in NYC and off we went!

Petey showed me so many neat things. He first took me to Central Bark where there were tons of other doggies.

I think Petey noticed some of the other male doggies looking at me, but I tried to ignore them and pay all my airetention to him! He is so handsome and it isnt nice to look at other male doggies on dates.
And look at this cute photo of us with the bunnies!

So then he showed me his favorite local place to eat where we enjoyed pretzels and tube steaks.

Mmm, you sure cant get those here in Washington, Petey!

After telling him my favorite story was Stuart Little, he took me to the Conservatory Pond just like in Stuart Little!

Petey ended the date by taking us on a magical carriage ride.

Our friend Mango took over cause that huge horse was eyeballing us cause of our size! Ill show her! Thanks Mango for stepping in - that could of gotten nasty.

Lasty, Petey showed me a mosaic that said "IMAGINE" which I didnt really get but it looked pretty.

Suddenly, Petey brought out a beautiful red rose and asked me to accept.

Petey, I accept this rose!!

puppy breath and lively licks,



Duke said...

We sniff love in the Aire! What a super awesome date you had and in fabulous NYC! We just love the Mango-driven carriage! What a gentleman that Petey is! Lucky you, Gaia!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Glad I could be of assistance on your first date. Hope you didn't mind the farting too much, I kind of think of it as my jet propulsion.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ahhhhh -

What a lovely way to spend a special day together!

Khudos to Mango fur taking on the roll of kharriage puller thingie!!

PeeEssWoo: I had TWO of your biskhuits today: YUMMI!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gaia!
I know you two had a great time together!
Sure it was nice to have Mango and Dexter's assistance!
I want to know what is next????
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Gaia, Gaia...I just want you to know that um Petey is um afraid of me...yep...It has something to do with the video Dewey Dewster showed of me tryin to rip his face off...and the header photo of Stan bitin' my ear.

Sounds like you and he had a FAB time in New York City...I think I might go out on a date with him, but I'm thinkin' he might give me the thorns off of the rose or a bouquet of snappiedragons. Um...he wouldn't be the first canine to do so.

What I'm sayin' is I don't think I HAVE ANY CHANCE with my curls aren't coppery enough...too much peroxide in those last highlights...


I'm still waitin' for Archie to kiss me...giggle...he's takin' like forever!

Barkin' at ya!


Pee's King Louis doin' today?

Pee Ess Ess...Babystan thinks ur

Gucci said...

Ohhhhhh wow.

I need to find a boxerboy to take me on pawesome dates like that...

Mommy's always talkin' bout how I need to step up the cuteness and find her a man but uhhh she really needs to step up her boxergame and find me a boxerboy.


Amber-Mae said...

Awww, you've fallen in love with Petey. How sweet!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gucci said...

Hehehehe I just gave ya an awarrrrrrd. :]


Georgeous said...

What an airesome date!! I thought I recognised Mango, what a good fella, in all this heat too.
Love 'n' snuffs

Noah the Airedale said...

That Petey sure is the romantic Gaia. Will there be a second date??

Noah Willow Tess Lucy


Woof Gaia

We've given you yet another Brillant weblog award.

Desert Pups

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Hehehehe Gaia!!!

So young and you already have suitors!!! I don't do dates. I just don't think I'm mature enough yet...I prefer digging holes and harrassing the human!

I just got my treats today! They were outside in the I have to wait until they cool down to chow down! I will send you pictures soon!

Could you do my human a favor? Would you please send her an invoice for pay pal and charge her much more that you were gonna charge for the treats since she is so bad about getting money and mailing it? She says she pays everything with her Debit and Credit cards...she hates cash...she said something about having the kind of luck where I would eat it!

I haven't ever tasted this cash thing, have you???

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

i said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time there with Petey! Isn't he romantic?

Princess Patches said...

That Petey is a real gentleman, Gaia. What a romantic place to go on a date. I hope Mango didn't get too over heated pulling that carriage for you. It was very nice of him to do that. Oh, and we hope his farts didn't interrupt your date. BTW, King Louis is just too cute!...not as cute as you, though!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Murphey said...

After I saw those tube steaks I couldn't pay attention to anything else, they looked YUMMY!


Clover said...

Gaia! It looks like you guys had a great date! You look very cute together. :)
Love Clover xo

Kirby said...

Hi Gaia,

What a wonderful date you had with Petey in NYC. How magical Central Park had to have been, the pretzels and the hot dogs, yum yum! And what better than for Mango to pull your carriage! I'm so happy that you accepted his rose!!

Your pal,

Chef said...

Are you two going steady yet, Gaia? I really do need some dating tips from Petey. He seems to be doing very well for himself.

Gucci said...

Hehehe I totally just tagged you! :P

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That sure is so sweet....

~ Girl girl

Girasol said...

I just came back from the kennel and I found a packege from you...Thank you so much!!!!! I love the squeaky blue bone!
Lick & kisses

Asta said...

Hello Gaia
ow awe you??
Is evewythingOK?
ow is Kink Louis?
I hope you awe still getting all the attention
smoochie kisses

Willow the Black Dale said...

Oh Gaia what a great date! You gave us such great detail. I felt like I was on the date with you.

You got to fly Aire-Ruby. Was it cool? What was it like? Did they have hoomans serving you with lots of treats?

Speaking of treats. I LOVED ALL OF MY COOKIES!!! I can't believe how good they were. Daddy suggested that I slow down and chew next time. teehee Pilar loved them too, and she did chew!!!

Tail wags,

Freddy and Moxie said...

hi gaia, freddy here, i really like how your hoomans did the picture editing, very neat. anyways, if you know noah, then go to his blog, i should be on the friend list. and if you know kirby the airedale, just check out his blog, i should be on there.

powder-puff said...

Hey Gaia!

ARROOO What a sweet date!

Looks like you both had a wonderful time!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gaia,

Being in love's beautiful...isn't it?
I think there's something in the air...and it's spelled D-A-T-E! That was a great date you had with Petey!

I came sniffing from Lenny's blog. Congratulations on your medal:)

Licks n Wags,